Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Overheard at the coffee shop
Props to that woman for making it that far in life before entering the "scene". I'm going to guess she didn't go to college. :)
College was when I fell into the scene. Freshman year. I distinctly remember my first drink (we're talking coffee here, remember?). I was training for work, which involved 2 weeks of 40 hours of training each week. Taking a full load of classes. Because I went straight from class to work until around midnight, i had to study for an exam in the wee hours of the morning. My roommate, Boonie, helped me out by making me coffee and loading it with cream (no sugar, of course - gross). And I was hooked. Coffee got me thru the juggle of school, work, and a social life.
I hope that woman enjoys her drink today.
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Monday, August 29, 2011
it’s monday, monday
that was to the tune of the horrendously annoying song, “Friday”. just FYI.
we had a great time in Torrington, WY this past weekend. Paul & Cristine (Continous Worship Ministries) are helping a brand new church there get a worship team developed. Saturday night we all had dinner with the worship team, discussed a chapter or 2 from the book “Facedown” by Matt Redman (incredible book), then practiced for Sunday morning. it was so great to hang out with the team and get to know some of the people and worship along with them while they practiced! church was great Sunday morning – they did “cardboard testimonies” where people had taken a piece of poster board and on 1 side wrote a short summary of where they were before Christ and on the other side wrote what Christ did in their lives. for example, 1 side might say “Alcohol, lies, and worthlessness” and the other side might say “Free from addiction, valued as God’s Child”. so one by one they walked up on stage, held the “Before Christ” side out for everyone to see for like 3 seconds, then flipped it to the “Because of Christ” side. it was so powerful!!!!! I’d never seen that done before. Paul played/sang a super great song called “Honestly” by … Vota? not sure on the spelling. but it went along perfect while they walked across stage with their signs. I think about 20 people did it.
it was soooo life-giving to be able to be apart of ministry this weekend. refreshing. filling.
after church we went to see Fort Laramie. for some reason, I thought Fort Laramie was something you hiked. it’s entirely NOT something you hike – it’s an old historic Fort. hahaha :)
today I spent close to 2 hours on the phone with Microsoft, spoke with 4 different people, explained the situation to all 4 people over and over again, and got no where. I’m trying to track down the product key for my Microsoft Office suite because I want to reformat my computer but can’t find the key to reinstall Office. urgh.
on the flipside, last night we all watched Soul Surfer after getting home from Torrington – 2nd time seeing it. love that movie. so inspiring.
tonight everyone is out of the house, which is weeeeeird. soooo quiet. except for the dogs barking. I’m about to dispose of them.
I’ve been reading and re-reading Philipians 3 again and again lately. I love the Truth that is in that chapter. the reminder of the all-surpassing greatness knowing Jesus Christ – it far outweighs any earthly pleasure. finishing the race, pressing on toward the goal, forgetting what is behind. discovering true contentment no matter the circumstance. the reminder that contentment is possible thru Christ, who gives us strength. and the reminder that this world is not our final home – our citizenship is in Heaven. earthly gains fade away.
Friday, August 26, 2011
week 1–kids, chai, and lefty guitars
week 1 of my temporarily relocation to Cheyenne, WY is quickly coming to a close. actually it didn’t come quickly. the week has gone slow – not in a bad way though. it’s just felt oddly slow.
oh – PS. I call this my temporarily relocation because a “move” sounds too permanent and committal. and, wanting to fit in with my generation, I try to be as non-committal as possible. totally kidding. ok, like 1/2 kidding. but I’m making no promises that I’ll make it thru the cold winter.
I just finished a chai. with espresso. aka a dirty chai. espresso’s coursing thru my veins right now. can you tell?
ok so this post might be more sporadic than others. I blame it on the espresso.
my fingers are FREEZING. I should’ve brought gloves to this coffee shop. but who thinks to bring gloves with them in 85 degree weather?
so, after almost a week here, I’ve had it confirmed that I will probably not struggle with being alone for too long involuntarily. 2 days this week we had 12 kids under the age of 12 at the house. plus like…6 or 8 adults over the course of the day. it’s been fun! at one point I had like 6 kids (which I think all of them were under the age of 6) surrounding me as I sat on the couch and each was trying to tell me a story (except the 1 year old – he was just trying to put small objects in his mouth). chaos? yes. but very entertaining.
I need to get a job so I can support myself going to the coffee shop regularly for quiet time and chai.
speaking of jobs – I’ve sent in 4 resumes this week (they were all my resumes – although maybe I should have sent in other people’s so I’d have a better chance of getting a job). there’s like 3 of them that I am really interested in.
oh my goodness I’m freezing. somebody cut the a/c!!
ok I did something that maybe I shouldn’t have but I did and maybe it was OK to do it (wow, hi espesso). I went to Guitar Center in Park Meadows, CO on Wednesday while my aunt and cousin were in IKEA (which is almost inevitably always a minimum of a 2 hour shopping event). they had 1 lefty guitar – an Ibanez acoustic/electric. it was black with like flame-type things around the hole. I wasn’t crazy about the flame-type things. and it was $329. which my ideal budget was $350. but the case was like $80. so that would’ve been too much, plus I’d be stuck with non-extinguishable flames I didn’t like. plus I don’t have a job yet. no job=no income=no money for a guitar. but I did find out they have a 30-day return policy.
so yesterday my cousins and I went to the Guitar Center in Fort Collins, CO and they had 1 lefty guitar – a Fender acoustic, natural color. she looks like a Taylor…only with “Ibanez” written on her. she was $229. so with the case, she came out under $350…which was my ideal budget. I would prefer an acoustic/electric, but really I just need any lefty to test out and see if I really do want to switch to a lefty. so…knowing there was a 30-day return policy…and knowing I had a Guitar Center credit card that allows me to have 0% financing for 12 months…I bought her. ok but don’t freak out. I firmly decided that when 30 days is coming up, I will return her if I don’t have a job. I’m committing to that (wow – committing – such a new concept…j/k). and, if when 30 days is approaching, I have gotten no where in picking up the lefty, I will return her and refocus back on the right-handed guitar and try not to chuck it at anybody in frustration with my strum deficiency. I’m committing to that as well.
so like, I bought her, but I didn’t “really” buy her.
and if you’d still like to donate toward my guitar fund, please feel free to!
ok dude – I am frozen. I have to get out of here.
time to go home and pick up the lefty. and play my keyboard. and practice espanol.
Monday, August 22, 2011
into the unknown
I realized for quite possibly the first time in my life, I have made a move where I have no clue what’s going on.
when I went away to college, I knew that’s what I was doing – for the next 4 years of my life, I would be going to college (wow…4 years of sitting in classes? sounds awful now…haha). when I moved to the Keys, I knew where I would be working.
now I have packed up my life (reduced to the size of my toaster…aka Zeva…aka my Scion xB). I have travelled over 2,400 miles. I have no income. I have no idea how long I will be here. I have no idea whatsoever how I’m going to survive winter (I cringe at the thought – so let’s think happy thoughts…it’s 91 out right now…that’s really happy).
it’s tempting to dwell on the fact that there are many unknowns in my life right now. but that just leads to anxiety. instead, I have to choose to take every thought captive and refocus on Jesus. because it is only thru Him that I have any hope, strength, or sanity.
living by faith. fully alive. there’s really no better place to be.
and I’m not alone. besides knowing God is omnipresent (although I wouldn’t blame Him if He chose to stay in the tropical sections of the world during the winter), I am blessed to have family here to live with!! I have great family here, great family in Nebraska, a great cousin in Denver as of last week (shout out to Rachel!!), and a crazy amount of friends in the Denver area that I can visit. I’m so thankful that I know people out here because I could have taken this crazy move 1 step further into craziness by going somewhere where I knew nobody.
hey this was fun – I’m sitting here at a coffee shop attached to the library downtown (sweeeeet library, by the way – I feel smarter just being here). all of a sudden my cousin & her husband walk in (Cristine and Paul). it was so fun, in a city full of people I don’t know, to have 2 people I DO know walk in! they’re so great :)
PS – still in desperate want for a left-handed guitar. my current donation fund for such a purchase is…drum roll please…$0. that’s including interest. if you feel so led as to contribute to this purchase (estimated to be around $350), you just let me know! ;)
ok – now off to finding my way back home…I swear I almost had like 5 accidents in parking lots today. I have no idea why, but I’m going to blame it on weird Cheyenne drivers because OBVIOUSLY it can’t be me. :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dear keyboard,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
right wasn’t right
while I was up in Cheyenne, WY a couple weeks ago, I had what could possibly be a huge revelation that could lead to HUGER things.
for over 10 years, I have tried learning the guitar. I bought my first guitar about 10 years ago, a classical. soon after that I bought an acoustic-electric that I’ve had ever since. but I’ll try playing the guitar for a little while, then get frustrated that I can’t keep the rhythm when strumming to songs. for the life of me, I can’t do it. being somewhat musically inclined, this has frustrated me to no end.
yes, I’m a white girl, but I do have some rhythm. ;)
so these 10 years I’ve claimed that I’m strum-deficient. and really, if you ever try to sing along with me playing the guitar, you’ll quickly agree. i've literally had friends give up trying to teach me at times because i just can't get strum patterns down. my poor friends :)
while contemplating this dilemma yet again a couple weeks ago, I had this revelation: I’m left handed. ok so I’ve known I’m left-handed since before like kindergarten. but I realized maybe I ought to be playing a left-handed guitar because when I hear music playing, my left hand starts “air-guitaring” – strumming to the music. I think my rhythm is in my left hand. I just learned to play on a right-hand guitar because that’s what the majority of people play, and all my friends had right-hand guitars. the thought never crossed my mind that this may be my problem.
so. I am now on the quest to save up enough money for a lefty. I’ve priced them, and I think I can get one for as little as $350 at Guitar Center. that is, if I can’t find a used one through craigslist or through connections first.
oh – what’s that? you wanted to know if you could donate to my left-handed guitar fund?! awwww! I want to give you a huge hug!!! of course you can!!! just message me on facebook or email and we’ll talk ;)
shameless plea for monetary donations are the best, aren’t they? :)
no, but really – this revelation could mean HUGE things for future lead worshipping.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Yard Sale Success
So thankful for how the yard sale went - even more thankful that it's over and the leftovers have mostly been taken to a couple charities. Now I can focus on packing up what's left. Cristine flys in Tuesday and I'm hoping to be on the road Thursday. Mega road trip!!!
Love this pic of Claire petting Mocha...

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Thursday, August 11, 2011
I can't wait until this part is over. I want to be reading/makin music/playing volleyball/hanging out with people. So stoked for when this transitioning part is over and I can focus on what God has for me.
Although...I suppose THIS is what God has for me right now - sorting and packing. :) so I will try not to get stressed anymore about it. It will be over soon.
Meanwhile, I'm sure going to miss my nieces and nephew...

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Thursday, August 04, 2011
reoccurring theme: surrender
it seems God’s been working on my heart for months now on the subject of surrender. last April I felt like He was asking me to surrender my small-minded, one-directional dreams of what I wanted to do with the life He’s given me. I felt like He was asking me to surrender my stubborn, “I’m not goin’ anywhere” attitude toward the Keys (have I ever mentioned I love it here? I love the people. the culture. the scenery. the weather. pretty much everything). so that’s what I did. (see entry: http://getstoked.blogspot.com/2011/04/doors.html)
and God blew me away. opportunities for things I wouldn’t have pursued in the past popped up. I got to help out at a youth group for awhile (Momentum – represent!!!!). I got a super sweet place of my own to rent for dirt cheap (I have good friends, definitely blessed). I got the opportunity to head out West to intern with my cousins’ worship ministry (Continuous Worship Ministries) for the month of July (had the privilege of doing worship at 2 camps, a family camp in NE and a jr high camp in WY).
once again, I feel God calling me to surrender (seems to be a daily, if not moment-by-moment choice sometimes). to surrender my stubborn attitude of staying in the Keys, mostly. He has reminded me this week that Jesus surrendered His life & died on a cross – just to save me. the least I can do is surrender my comforts & one-directional dreams, take up my cross (dying to my selfish desires), and follow His leading.
and I feel He’s leading me to continue my time out West right now. I am shocked at the peace and vision He is giving me for this crazy, unexpected turn of events. I have no idea how long this is for. it could be short. it could not be. I just know that I’ve told God “no” for waaaay too long of my life in the area of using the gifts He’s given me. it’s time I surrender my fears/unsurity of the gifts He’s given me and trust Him. (un-sure-ity…maybe that’s not a word, but it is now because I went to college & have a degree & therefore should have the right to make up words).
surrendering is not without pain. it is not easy at all to think about packing up and heading out of the Keys again. I think I’ve mentioned before that I love it here? oh…yeah…I think I did. ;) praying God leads me back down here quickly…