Thursday, December 09, 2010

giving praise where praise is way past due

there’s something I’ve been meaning to post and keep forgetting to.  it’s from the end of October.  better late than never, right?

so we had a mid-quarter outreach in October, which was 1 week in downtown Denver (remember the Teddy Bear story?).  it was a busy week, lots of time spent out in the freezing cold, and lots of late nights and early mornings.  in other words, prime breeding ground for sickness.  a lot of people were getting bad colds.

we got back to the base late Thursday night and Friday morning I woke up with a headache and sore throat and totally felt the beginnings of a cold coming on.  during worship that morning, they told people to go up to these 2 guys who wanted to pray for healing for those who were sick.  I didn’t go up.  I feel bad asking for prayer like that and then if I don’t get “healed”, then I don’t want the person to feel bad. so I was like, “OK God, if they pray for like, a group of people or something, or if someone comes up to me and asks to pray for me, I’ll do it.”  well then they decided to have everyone who was sick get in a group and have others lay hands on them and pray for healing.  ha :)

I figured I had nothing to lose.  this way I wasn’t on the spot, so they wouldn’t pray for me individually and then ask expectantly, “are you better??”  and then if I wasn’t better, I’d let them down. (I know, I’ve got issues – I shouldn’t be worried/thinking about that – trying to get over it)

so I went up.  and they prayed and I did feel a little relief in the pressure I was feeling in my head, and my throat didn’t hurt as much.  but as we left the worship session and went about our days, my throat started to hurt a little again.  so I was like “oh…bummer.”

BUT – I woke up the next day and felt TOTALLY fine!

Praise God!  and praise Him that I haven’t been sick at all these 3 months I’ve been here!  the flu has made it’s rounds twice now (it’s making it’s 2nd round currently – so far so good). horrible colds have spread around.  and God has protected my health.

Praise Him!

1 comment:

rightbrainedamoeba said...

"touche" :) (re your previous post).

i love reading your blog posts :) if you ever come back to michigan i'd love to hear all about your adventures :)

Isn't He wonderful? He's been so good to me as far as health goes too, since I don't have insurance anymore. praise Him! :) praying for you and your team :)