Monday, October 24, 2005

update on my family in the Keys

just thought i'd share an update on my sister, bro-in-law, niece, and friends who live in Marathon, FL (in the florida keys). it had looked like hurricane wilma might not impact them much, but instead it was one of the hardest hit Keys. go figure.

little lucy butt slept thru the entire thing last night, which was a blessing. the rest of them didn't get much sleep because the hurricane was so loud. they woke up in the morning and thought they had faired pretty well. andy & shane took the truck out and drove around the area to assess the damage and the neighbors on another street warned them the storm surge was coming in quick. they went down another street and sure enough, saw tons of water coming down the road. they rushed home and had about 15 minutes to get everything they could and put it up high. the storm surge flooded their house and cars with about 2 feet of water (which also included sewage). the water has gone out now, but there is so much damage. sadie's car flooded up to the windows and looks like it is unsalvageable but they've got andy's truck running. a couple from the church had an empty condo on the 14th floor of a building that they were looking for renters for, so the 5 of them (sadie, andy, lucy, shane, and jenna) are all going to rent the condo for the next month while they fix up the house.

please pray for them when the Lord brings them to your mind.
pray for:
-peace, comfort
-sanity, as cramming 5 people in 1 condo will definitely be a test of patience (sadie & andy are married, shane heads up the youth ministry, and jenna is working in the keys for a little while longer until she joins her husband on the west coast - so obviously, they're all from different situations)
-pray for the safety of their belongings left in the house; they had to leave the house open tonight to air it out so mold won't start growing, so pray that God protects their house from looters
-pray for guidance as they decide what the best steps to take are

it is so hard knowing they need help but not being able to be there to help them.

and marissa - they did get some video, but my mom wasn't sure if they got it of the actual hurricane :P thought you'd be interested to know that.

keep it real.
please pray for them.

1 comment:

Mriss said...

Sweet - I've always wondered what it was like to live in something like that and have never known someone who has. Thought that might be kind of interesting to hear about from friends. I can't believe Lucy slept through the whole thing! I am so glad they are all o.k.!