Sunday, October 23, 2005

drumroll, please

here it is. a new post. isn't it so like...such a let-down when you see someone has a blog listed in their profile or something and you click on it to see what's going on in their life and they haven't updated it for like...80 years? yeah...

the problem has been that i think about putting up a new post and i'm so overwhelmed with the decision of what to write about, because i have so much i've been being taught by God lately.

a lot's been going on, both good and bad. i'll be honest, it's been a rough semester :) the 2 most recent things:

1, i got a call today from a dude who's car i backed into when he blocked my car in at my house. he's one of the construction guys. he finally got an estimate on his car, and it's going to cost most of my savings to fix it. i'll have maybe $100 left, period, if i combined my 2 bank accounts. there goes all the hard work saving my money over the summer. i have no clue how fixing the scratch on his driver's door could cost $500+...we live in an expensive world.

2, sadie, andy, lucy, and shane have decided they're going to ride out hurricane wilma down in the keys. so that's just a tad bit (okay, a bit more than a tad) unnerving knowing they're down there and waiting to see what happens with the hurricane. crazy kids.

i went to Sweet Briar college (all-girls school) tonight for their chapel service. tara & laura were leading worship and tabitha was giving the message (her testimony). it was beautiful. it was one of those times where i totally knew God had brought me there for a reason. i was reminded of how temporary things are. my house, my belongings, my money, even my body. praise God thru the storms and ever-intensify your passion for Jesus.

here's the update on my house: it's not done, i'm living in the hotel still with tara. atleast i finally get to live with this amazing girl. now i've gotten to live with all my roommates separately (kristen all last year, heidi for the first month of this semester, and now tara) and i love living with them all!! which is a good thing, and i knew i would, but it's just extra enforced now :) i can't wait 'til we all live together under the same roof (and that doesn't count the hotel's roof).

well, i've finished my decaf coffee. that means it's time to wrap this up.

keep it real.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yes Jen you updated your blog too...I love new posts.