Mr. Benjamin Andrew, born 2/1/10 @ 10:24pm! 7lb, 13oz and 20in long. my very first nephew!!
what a shock! the doctor had read my sister's ultrasound back in sept/oct '09 and determined it was another girl (niece #3). apparently, this little stud muffin was feeling mischevious that day and hid those oh-so-significant parts from the camera. i will forever remember the moment we all found out it was a boy! the story is to come - i'm keeping this short tonight.
in other news, don't you just love those moments where you receive confirmation from God that you made a good decision about something? tonight i get a call from shane, my friend who sold my Escape for me back in November of last year. he says "you'll never guess who just called me - the guy who bought your Escape..." and my heart stopped (well, not literally, don't worry). long story short, the guy's friend was driving it for him back from Texas or something and they had just gotten back into the Keys and the transmission locked up - aka, the transmission blew! my first thought was - "oh no...he must be so mad at me!" - i had no idea the transmission would have problems! but thankfully he was just calling shane to see if he had a number for a good towing company - the guy was glad he still had shane's number!
and earlier today i had been telling Zeva how much i love her (yes, i talk to my car - get over it).
i felt only relief and excitement over selling my Escape and have never regretted it. i have felt only joy and excitement over my Scion xB. and this just affirms to me that it was the right thing to do! what a blessing!
and you know those times when you look back and realize you made a really bad decision and are now having to face the consequences. i'm having one of those moments right now. i was so stinkin' tired at work from going going going since Sunday morning and i got home and after dinner realized someone had made coffee at our house (a rare thing for in the evening). so i drank 1/2 a cup, not knowing if it was regular or decaf. pretty sure it was regular. i'm wide awake now. shoot.
hey it's 10:24pm - Ben's 2 day birthday! i should throw a party...by myself...since i'm apparently the only one still up in this house full.
Let's throw a party next week! :-D
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