Sunday, October 09, 2005

flooding produces more patience :)

who ever thought the remnants of a tropical depression that came across northern florida could produce so many problems way up in central virginia? atleast 1 of the LU dorm buildings flooded, lightning hit a tower so LU had a power outage friday which canceled all friday classes, and jodi & jess's basement apartment has flooded. (well, not flooded-flooded. i don't know what you call it. but water's soaking thru the walls and the carpet and some places when you step on the carpet, water comes up over your foot :P ). there's mold growing already and apparently it smells horrible in here (notice, i said "apparently"). since all of the carpet will have to be replaced and a couple of the walls torn down and rebuilt, they're going to move to an apartment for the rest of the semester at least. so, probably early this next week we'll be moving all their stuff and my stuff (well...the stuff that's not in my storage unit) into an apartment. this is move #4 for me this semester. and i still haven't gotten to move into my house. :) it's been a crazy, testing semester, that's for sure.

i find with each move, i'm less and less phased by it. my dad said God's teaching me how to be flexible. well, it's sure working. :) that's the only good thing i can find that's come from this semester so far. i think He's teaching me how to live a more simplified life, too. i have a feeling by the time i move into my house, i'll want to give away (or throw away) a ton of the little knick-knack things i have, just because i've lived this much of the semester just fine without them and all they do is take up space.

i'm a pretty firm believer that everything happens for a reason. and no matter what the circumstance, we are able to bring glory to God regardless. but i'll be honest, it's been really hard to find out what the point of all this craziness has been. maybe i'll never know. or maybe (more likely), i'll find out the reason farther down the road.

oh!! i finally am getting some hours at j crew this week! that's a big answer to prayer (isn't it awesome when you pray about something and can see the prayer answered right before your eyes??). i just have 14 hours scheduled, but i am so thankful just for anything. a little income is better than no income, eh?

i've been going to Redeemer Presbyterian church the past few Sundays. i went once last semester and loved it and went to the Monday night college Bible studies. i'm pretty sure i'm going to make Redeemer the church i attend regularly while i'm here at LU. i love going, i'm challenged by the message each week and there is just so much love and joy that is evident in the church body. what's been really cool for me to experience is going to a church where the worship style isn't my preference, but yet i can still worship and fellowship and be challenged. the worship style is traditional and they mainly sing hymns and laid-back choruses, but the ones they pick to sing have beautiful lyrics that you can sing and truly mean because you can understand what you're singing.

it made me a little nervous last semester to think of going to a, dare i say it? presbyterian church. because i was raised in a Bible church, then in a baptist church, visited among the non-denominational churches. but never went to a presbyterian church. what i've learned though, is that many presbyterian churches are right on, doctrinally speaking. i've never been crazy about labeling myself as a specific denom.. what matters to me is that the church is a Bible-believing church, a church that is pleasing to God and seeks to glorify Him. that the messages are from the Word of God and not just some preacher's "ideas". i'm not a baptist. i'm not a presbyterian. i'm a follower of Christ.

keep it real.

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