Friday, January 21, 2005

and the busyness begins again

oh sad, i missed a few days of posting. more like 5 or 6 days. sad, now i'm sure i've lost my audience of 1 (nancy). if i could post video, i would post a video of my self doing the happy dance and blowing bubbles out my nose so i could draw my audience back.

anyway, school has started again and so has work at j crew. i'm not sure how this online english course is going to work for me, but it has to work because i need the class and i want the credit hours over with.

right now i'm on hold with the computer help desk here at school. i've been on hold for 20 minutes. this stinks. all i need to do is cancel my appointment time today and reschedule it for next week 'cause i have to help kristen get her car started before i go to work so she can go to work later tonight. the good news is, i finally got the internet to work on my laptop AND i got a wireless network card so i can use my laptop anywhere on campus that has wireless coverage!! that rocks 'cause i need to be able to get away from the apartment so i can focus on studying and getting my work done. the bad news is, my laptop has a worm virus that norton can't fix, so that's why i need to take it in. it says i've had the virus since 2003...whoops :P

our apartment is officially now the "apartment o'fun". kristen brough N64 with a ton of games, i brought playstation 1 with a ton of games, and boonie got a new kareoke machine for Christmas! plus kristen and i both got some new DVDs to add to our collection. i think i should start renting them out for money. :) oh, and plus we just simply have awesome girls in our apartment, so no matter who's here when you come over, atleast one of us will come out to the living room and play with ya :D yeah, i really think this is stupid that i have to wait so long on the phone. i wanted to be doing my quiet time right now but realized i needed to call and get my appointment canceled.

i am SO loving my Bible study that i'm doing right now by David Nasser. it's so challenging and i'm learning so much that i am able to apply each day as i go through the day. one interesting and very true thing i learned/was reminded of last night was that no matter how hard we try to grow spiritually, WE can't make ourselves grow. God, His Holy Spirit, is the one who makes us grow. He chooses when and how He wants to reveal Himself to us, He chooses when and how He wants to lovingly show us where we're misstepping and need to change some things. The analogy used was a farmer. no matter how much the farmer plants, waters, takes care of his crops, he can't make the crops grow. in the same way, we need to be doing everything we can to grow closer to God (thru spending time with Him in His Word, memorizing Scripture, worshipping, etc.). yet we can't make ourselves GROW grow - that is the work of the Holy Spirit. but at the same time, like i said, we need to be like the farmer and be doing everything we can humanly do to become closer to God and be more like Christ.

well i'm still on hold. i actually hung up after a half hour and tried calling back and pushing the button that would identify me as "staff". :) i thought maybe they got priority and would get thru right away...nope, i'm on hold again :P nuts.

keep it real.

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