Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Call to Die

HA! 2 days of posting in a row. i'm on fire, eh? (that's a tribute to my roomates, the crazy Canadians)

i'm so stoked, i finally got this devotional book in the mail today that i've been wanting since September. i just never set aside the money to buy it (instead, i wasted my money on clothes :P). i am so stoked to do it, it's called A Call to Die by David Nasser. today i studied what it means to take up your cross and follow Christ. doing that requires dying to self, which i realized i have a lot of selfish parts to me that need to change. and "dying to self" doesn't mean "okay, i'm not going to do this and this and this". it's not about making a list of "do's and don'ts". our motive for dying to ourselves should not be to make ourselves look good, but to glorify God. it's something i need to do daily - die to my own selfish and carnal desires and seek to glorify my Father all day long. He gave His Son for me, why would I not want to give my life for Him? it's interesting to note that Christ's ultimate motive for dying on the cross was not to just forgive me of my sins, but ultimately to bring glory to His Father thru the salvation of us. it talks about that in Philippians 2:9-11.

alright, alias is going to start in 15 minutes, i better go prepare myself and my seat on which i will sit for the next hour in suspense.

keep it real.

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