Sunday, February 13, 2005

question for the day

SO much i've been wanting to write down on here for the past couple weeks so i don't forget all i'm learning, but i just don't take the time to do it. :) sad.

so the question for the day...or week...or for however long you want it to be. in my theology survey class last monday night, Caner asked the class something to the effect of "if an unbeliever walked into your church back home, would they feel welcomed and want what the believers there have, or would they be turned off and not want anything to do with it?" so he then asked each side of that question separately and had everyone raise their hands that felt their church matched up with whatever side. honestly...okay now i'm sure this probably won't go over all that smoothly with some of the people that read this...but i could not raise my hand and say an unbeliever would feel welcomed and want to go to my church back home. i had to raise it to the 2nd part of that question...and that kinda scared me. at first i thought, "well maybe i'm just making a big deal out of small problems i see in our church" but the more i thought about it...i feel there really are some problems with my church back home that sadly cause unbelievers to visit once and never come again. i can't help but think of my parents (who are strong believers) and how hard it has been for even them to connect and feel welcome at our church because of the huge family-cliches issue. they still haven't connected with many people. now sure, some of that is their fault and they will admit that - they could always try harder, right? but at the same time, people shouldn't have to work hard to connect with believers at church. so when i think of the hard time they've had, as believers, i can't help but think it's even worse for unbelievers.

the cliches are just one of the issues, though it's a large one. i don't feel like going into the rest right now, but maybe i will later...if i'm bold enough. :) so you may ask "well why do you even write about it on here if you're not even brave enough to say it all?"...well because i just need to get it out, and it's not like i'm going to talk to any of you guys that go to our church back home about it :) i guess if you wanted to talk about it...sure, i'd discuss it i guess.

ah-ha, the lovely bentino just called so i can go pick her up from work. maybe i'll write more later, there's a lot i could write about from the past few weeks.

keep it real.

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