Monday, January 14, 2013

today is my birthday!

today is my birthday!

for the majority of my life, i have tried to hide on my birthday.  but this year i decided to turn over a new leaf.  God created me.  He's given me gifts and talents that are unique to me - just as He has given them to us all.  i can look back over my life and see awesome high times, rough times, comfortable times, challenging times - and i can see His faithfulness on it all.  i can celebrate what He has done, what He is doing, and look forward with great anticipation of what He is going to do!

i was so blessed today to get SO MANY facebook "happy birthday" wishes - from all over the world.  Australia, Estonia, Norway, Costa Rica, Canada, and all over the states so far.  each person's post brings back fun memories and i am reminded how incredibly blessed i have been to get to travel all over the world and live in so many places across the US.  ahhh!

i love my life!  i love where God has me.  i love what He is teaching me.  i love that He has a plan for me and it's so much more awesome than i could ever dream up!  He has plans for YOU too - get excited!!!

my heart is so full!

here's to another year - let the adventure continue!

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