Friday, January 25, 2013

a clarification

i recently put up a post called "restoration and grace" and it seems that i did an amazingly, epic-cally bad job at explaining what i meant.  and so i took down the post because i realized that the message some were getting from reading it was completely NOT what i was intending.  i received some loving yet concerned feedback from others and for that i am grateful because i had no idea that the way i worded things and unintentionally left out clear explanations seemed to be sending a message that was not Biblical at all.

that's the hard thing about blogs, i think.  yes, i share quite a bit about my journey on my blog as it's my personal, online journal.  i try to be transparent, but there are just some things that you don't need to share with the whole world - like what i had for breakfast.  do you really care what i ate this morning?  it wasn't that exciting.  it involved peanut butter - big surprise.  :)

along that same line, those who have journeyed with me through the ups and downs and know more of the details of my journey that i don't always share on my blog knew where i was coming from and what i was meaning by this recent post.  things like grace... finding restoration and healing by repentance & forgiveness, by trusting & knowing Jesus as my Savior... re-discovering my identity in Him...trusting who He says i am instead of my own self-assessment of who i am... the list goes on.  i had the epic realization (some would call it common sense, but sometimes it just doesn't seem very common) that not everyone has been a part of the numerous discussions with me over coffee, the questions around dinner tables, and the conversations over email that i've had with various friends who have been walking (graciously) with me along the way and looking at the Truth in God's Word with me.  i realized without knowing the background behind the post, it did have potential of coming across entirely wrong.

and so, if you happened to read that post during the 15 hours or so that it was up, i would like to clarify at least this: i was not saying that people do not need saved.  i was not saying that people do not need to trust & know Jesus as their Savior.  that makes my stomach turn just hearing that that's how it was coming across to some.

i don't know what else from that post was specifically raising eyebrows, but if you read it and had concern or wanted clarification, i would love for you to message me on facebook or shoot me an email ( so i could specifically address things.  or call me.  but i'm not posting my # on here because of whackos.  i mean, whackos who need Jesus.  :)

may Jesus be glorified despite my flawed attempts at communication :)

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