Saturday, November 26, 2011

have guitar? automatically cool.

I had never flown with my guitar until this past summer and I noticed I got a few comments about it and thought it was funny.  but then I flew home again with it this past week and it struck me: if you carry a guitar, people automatically associate this level of coolness with you.  they have no idea if you can really play – they just assume you can.  I’ve therefore concluded that if your self-esteem level is low, the solution is to go on a trip and bring your guitar.  I felt like a rock star by the time I made it to Fort Lauderdale!  first it was the super cute little 4 or 5 year old boy in front of me in the security line.  he turns around and goes, “I like your guitar!!  well…I can’t see your guitar…but I like your case!!” so cute.  then one of the security people picks up my guitar (in the case) and pretends to play it and sings some old country song to another security person!  as I was boarding one of the planes, the attendant taking tickets goes, “aw, I wish we had more time, we could’ve jammed!”  and then when I got off the plane, I heard a guy exclaim to his friend, “I didn’t know you could bring a guitar on the plane??”  quite the conversation piece, I’m tellin’ ya.

duuuude.  I am SO glad I changed my ticket and stayed the extra 2 weeks in Cheyenne.  yes, I got sick.  and yes I got rear ended.  but it was totally worth it!  :)  I am so so soooo glad Paul & Cristine talked to me before I was supposed to leave the first time.

this past weekend we were out at Maranatha Bible Camp where Ty was heading up a high school retreat.  we teamed up with him and Alanna and lead the worship with them for the sessions.  so much fun.  Saturday night was so super cool to see God moving in the hearts of a lot of the teens.  Praying He continues to work in their hearts & lives now that they’ve gone back home.

I continue to be amazed at how God has been using the song “Like an Avalanche” during our times of corporate worship.  we ended up doing it twice Saturday night and once Sunday morning because the speaker kept requesting it.  I love the words to the song, it hasn’t gotten old to me even after doing it so many times over the past few months.

so as many of you know, one of the biggest fears of mine in worship leading is that I’ll throw up while leading.  hahaha true story.  wow, this blog has become a really transparent look into my life.  :)  hoping my honesty will connect with others and spur them into deeper leaps of faith with our Almighty God.  ok so anyway, I’ve never actually thrown up while up there.  I’ve thrown up before hand (just once so far, I think).  but not while we’re actually up there, though I’ve come really close a couple times (amazed how God has always calms my stomach literally RIGHT before I start the first song…He is so strong, I am so not – it is by His Spirit and Him alone.).  ok so this weekend my throat was getting bad again (hadn’t gone to the doctor for the strep throat yet) and I had this lump in my throat Sunday morning that was triggering my gag reflex every time I swallowed (haha again, true story – it was so weird).  when Paul said the speaker requested that we do “Like an Avalanche” again, I’m thinking…”oh great…how am I going to do this when I’m already gagging because of this lump in my throat??”  so we go back up on stage while the guy is praying and I swallowed as I sat down at the keyboard and what do you know, it triggered my gag reflex.  so I’m sitting there, gagging over and over while the speaker’s praying, and I’m panicking, thinking, “what do I do?  what do I do?” and praying.  begging.  pleading.  and…gagging.  haha :)  I tried to get Paul’s attention to motion for him to take the song but he didn’t look at me.  then right as the speaker was closing, everything settled down inside of me and we started the song…

I was reminded recently about how our gifts that God has given us are for us to use to edify the church.  they’re not for our own boasting.  they’re not for our own glory.  they are to be used to edify the body of Christ.  that sure takes a lot of pressure off of us, doesn’t it?  I mean, He’s given us each gifts that He wants us to be willing to let Him use to edify the church.  it’s nothing we can do – we can’t change people’s hearts.  we can’t convince people of Truth.  but we can be willing to allow Him to use us and the gifts He’s given us, and the Holy Spirit does the rest.

God.  Is.  So.  Awesome.

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