Monday, October 18, 2010

little random things

the very first day i was in Denver (Monday) i went for a walk early that morning for lack of anything better to do (i had been up since 4:30am).  this was my first venture out as a carless human being in like over 10 years.  i started out by crossing small neighborhood streets.  no big deal.  then i moved to crossing the BIG streets.  pushing the “cross” buttons and waiting for the walking man symbol to light up.  all by myself.  while waiting to see the walking man at 1 light, i randomly broke out and sang “the lion sleeps tonight…”.  i had sung the beginning of it in my head and for some reason, that part escaped and became vocal.  no clue why.  i kind of giggled there at the stop light, realizing how random that was.  kinda glad no one was around.

the first couple times i walked back from the gym in the early morning, i saw the same goose in the same exact spot on the sidewalk.  granted, it may not have been the same goose.  but i like to think it was.  i started telling him good morning when i saw him.  i named him Henry.  since then, i have come across large groups of goosen at that spot and now i can’t tell which one is Henry.  so they’re all Henry.  and i saw hi to them and ask them what’s up.  i’ve yet to hear a response though.

yesterday a guy in one of the other schools here walked by behind me and pulled my hair and said “BOING!  …i couldn’t help it, it’s so fun!”.  for a second i thought i was back in 1st grade.  then i remembered i had straight hair still when i was in 1st grade.  it was really funny.  i’m glad my curly hair can create fun for other people!

speaking of hair, tonight for outreach i went to the elderly/disabled people’s home.  this one man i talked to told me (twice) that he loved my hair, it was beautiful, and that it looked good on me.  ha :)

i think i have found my favorite Starbucks.  it’s right by our school (there are 2 right by our school…actually).  but the part i love is that when i went early one morning to do some work before breakfast, the 2 women working there were older and just…well…fun/motherly/grandma-y!  SO not your typical “hi i’m really cool and dress emo and have my own unique style which isn’t really unique because i look just like everyone else trying to look unique” Starbucks baristas.  i quite enjoyed it.

i NEED to recap what i’m learning!!  ugh..i need to just start making lists of things i need to do so i actually do them and don’t just talk about doing them.

keep it real.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Oh my goodness!! I totally started randomly singing that Lion King song yesterday and I had no idea where it came from! We think the same sometimes =)