Wednesday, March 24, 2010


monday night’s cooking fiasco has sent me into a funk.

ironically, for the past week i’ve been studying gentleness as part of the fruit of the Spirit.  and part of gentleness is teachability – being teachable.  now, i had been going thru this part of the study thinking “ok, i need to be teachable so whatever God wants to teach me, i’ll learn it”.  i forget that He so often uses other people or events in our lives to teach us stuff – not only when i’m reading His Word.

i am so not teachable sometimes.  i’m prideful and lose my temper.  and then give up (sometimes).  that’s what happened monday night.

i need to work on being teachable – no matter who it is God chooses to teach me thru or what circumstance He chooses to teach me thru.

God always have this incredible way of working whatever i’m studying into my everyday life, often without me realizing it at first :P

i’m not giving up on living on my own yet.  i can’t give up just because i have an unfortunate weakness in the cooking department.

unless shane kicks me out of the apartment.  then i have no choice.  :P 

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Where's the "like" button?