Saturday, September 17, 2005

what is the "emerging church"?

that's a good question and a hard one to answer. i've been attempting to study it for almost a year now, but it wasn't until this summer that i finally started finding hardcore information on it. sometimes the emerging church will come up in conversation or people will read my blog and ask, "wait...the emerging church? what's that?" and i fumble over words, trying to think of a way to explain it because i'm still trying to understand what the movement is, and to know it's weaknesses/strong points.

anyway, cornerstone university (err...maybe it was the seminary there...i'm not sure) held a one-day conference thing last week and brought in brian mclaren (a big name in the movement), mike wittmer (props to the man), and ed dobson (ahh-amazing). each had a time to present their thoughts...views...stuff and then there was a Q&A time at the end (i'm just going off of what the website says, i haven't listened to the mp3's yet).

ANYWAY (again), if you're interested in listening in on the "conversations", GRTS (grand rapids theological seminary - yeah, i guess it was the seminary that put it on) has posted all the audio in mp3 format at this site:

if anyone gives it a listen, i'd love to hear what you think about it all and what your views are. post a comment on here and/or shoot me an email.

keep it real.

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