today I really just wanted the beach and the ocean and Jesus.
I thought maybe I’d just drive to another state in search of a substitute for the beach and the ocean. but everywhere I could think of is just full of shopping options – and I really don’t enjoy shopping. I’m like, a professional at buyer’s regret. I’ll buy something. and then return it. true story. the guys at Guitar Center started recognizing me because I bought a guitar, then returned it. then later I bought a djembe and returned it. when I went in to buy the djembe, one of the guys goes, “so you ended up returning that guitar, huh?” – embarrassing.
the other option was the mountains, which I’m actually really not a fan of either. oh the claustrophobic atmosphere of tight, windy roads…forests of trees blocking the beautiful sunlight…temperatures 50 degrees colder than where you started your trek… so far from food establishments… is anyone else’s heart starting to beat faster and you feel a panic attack coming on?? stay calm, close your eyes, and go to your happy place!!
a few years ago or so, someone I hardly knew told me I was dramatic. I said, “whatever”. now I see there may have been maybe a little bit of truth to that statement. :)
the point is – getting back to the point here – it was clear that I was not going to get my beach/ocean/Jesus experience in today.
you wanna know what I did instead? I transplanted my first ever mint plant into an actual pot. I know, I know – “jen” and “plant” really don’t go together (neither do “jen” and “pot”…for the record).
I forget how much of an outlet it can be to just create. creating/playing music is a huge outlet for me. exercising is an outlet. but I forget that I like to create outside of just music. I started trying to learn how to bake recently. unfortunately, my high school girls that come over for Bible study have been my guinea pigs. most of the time the verdict is, “…it tastes healthy” – and to that I have to agree. I haven’t mastered the art of baking good-tasting, healthy things. I tried to make my very first apple crisp last week. did you know there’s a difference between a “mound” and a “mount”? yeah. apparently you’re not supposed to create a mountain of apples for an apple crisp.
for anyone wondering, this is a mount. not a mound. do not do this if you’re trying to make an apple crisp.
so today I “created” by playing in dirt. and then by playing with my camera, taking pictures of what I created by playing in the dirt. my cousin has inspired me with the pictures she’s been blogging with lately.
this is my mint plant. in a green pot. because mint is green. my roommate named him Wilbur. I don’t know why she named it – it’s not like I name inanimate objects… ok yes I do.