Tuesday, February 22, 2005

where are all the guys like THIS?

so today i realized how incredibly...encouraged and edified people can be just from overhearing a conversation...which is weird, and it's something i haven't really given much thought to before. but from experiencing it first hand today, i realized how much the conversations we have with people can affect those within the listening area (ha that sounds like a radio station, eh?).

so here's my story.

i'm sitting the computer lab in between classes, checking email and doing some homework. and this guy i somewhat know came and sat down at the computer next to me and his girlfriend sat down with him and he started talking to her (yeah, imagine that - he TALKED to his girlfriend...amazing. ha totally kidding, it gets better). now before i go further, let me just point out that i was sitting in the "quiet room" of the c-lab, so even though they were talking quietly, i still heard most of their conversation just because i have a hard time ignoring people when they're saying interesting things. if it's not interesting, i'm pretty good at tuning it out. :) kristen knows that. :D hehe (aw i love ya, roomie!)

ANYWAY - let me get on with it. he starts into this conversation by saying how he feels like God is calling him into missions, to give up fear of persecution and be willing to go where God would have him. and how he's never felt such a strong pull before in his life, but that he's so excited about it and he's not going to ignore it. and after explaining things a little more (i didn't catch EVERYTHING he said, i promise - haha) he says to his girlfriend, "so...that's where i am and i wanted to make sure if we're on the same page...'cause this is the direction i'm going and i'd love for you to come with me, but if we're not on the same page...". yes, ladies and gentleman, i almost witnessed a breakup i think. and i couldn't really hear her answer, but she seemed hesitant and whatnot. but i really don't know, and that's not the point.

the POINT is (yes, we're finally at the point of this story), i don't think i've ever heard a guy this age (our age, my age...whatever) ever step up to the plate SO much. you could just tell from his words that his vision and his focus is on God, and if the girl is willing to go along with him, awesome - but if not, he's going to continue on his vision w/ or w/o her. wow...i don't know, that just totally stoked me. a lot of guys just kinda sit on the side and don't have a vision for what they want to do for God with their life, and if they do they don't passionately pursue making it reality. but this guy was...and it blew me away 'cause i don't think i've ever heard someone talk like that in a casual conversation like that ('cause we all know we've heard tons of speakers talk about how they felt called and had a vision and stuff...which is awesome, and it's real, but this was like...REAL real - haha).

so then that kinda gave me a new perspective on marriage. and it's not a new perspective, but it made it even more real to me and reminded me of it. like...i want to marry someone that has a vision, that's on a journey with purpose and wants me to come along and partner with them. and i want him to be able to honestly and sincerely say, "look, this is where i feel God is leading me, i'm going to pursue after Him, and i would LOVE for you to come along but if not, this is where it ends for us."

ahhh...the practice of patience in waiting for him :) but i'm okay with that, i'm satisfied in God and have total peace about knowing He's in control of it all.

keep it real.

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