one of my closest friends, who was in my dorm/apartment my first year of college and we lived together the rest of our college years, was an English major and had to write poems for one of her classes. so one time she wrote a poem about me. i just found the poem on my computer as i was looking for something else, so i opened it because i forgot what all she had written. she probably wrote this like...6 years ago-ish? and yet she captured me perfectly. Boonie - you are a winner of a friend, i'm keepin' ya!! :)
the poem is titled burnt orange knee socks because for the longest time, i hung on to these orange knee socks from my high school days (Rockford Rams - represent!) and i would wear them with awesome outfits (like gauchos and spongebob pajama pants). don't worry, mom, i never left the apartment in my awesome outfits.
Burnt Orange Knee Socks
burnt orange knee socks
she’d rather hang out with jocks
swaying, wide gaucho pants
with Jack Johnson she chants
constantly talking to herself;
she can barely reach the top shelf
she’s intrigued by gross things
at the top of her lungs she sings
although she belts out *NSYNC
she doesn’t care for the color pink
she jabs her finger along to Kelly
but hates the poets Byron, Keats, and Shelley
she hates visiting antique shops
and in the winter wears flip flops
the fall leads to fantasy football
and she yells at referees on every call
calls against Peyton Manning at least
her email is the bigbuffbeast