I made my first meal ever in a crockpot. and then I shared it with people. and it was edible. like, they ate it. and I ate it. and no one got sick. and we didn’t have to order pizza. I even messed up and it still turned out (I started it cooking in high instead of low – and remembered about 4 hours later that it was supposed to be on low for 6-8 hours…oops).
I made homemade bread for the first time in my life. spelt bread. using a dutch oven. and it totally turned out. like, it really looks like a real loaf of bread (except…round…). actually I messed this up too – I put in 2 1/2 tablespoons of salt instead of 2 1/2 teaspoons of salt…apparently, there’s quite a difference. ;) so, my bread’s a little salty – I like to think it’d be perfect for the sodium-deficient people in this world. it’s still edible, just…you know, if you like salty bread…
why all this sudden burst of trying out domesticated things?
it has been brought to my attention recently, multiple times, that I have a lot of excuses. I give a lot of excuses for not doing things or not trying things. and I don’t even realize I do it!! how maddening. when I start seeing all the areas I make excuses in, I really don’t like who I’ve allowed myself to become (or NOT become, for that matter).
so I’m kickin’ excuses. and it starts with the small things – like learning to cook/bake/make food other than black beans & rice.
and it moves to the bigger things. I read this in a Brennan Manning book today, called A Glimpse of Jesus – The Stranger to Self-Hatred: “Procrastination means that we stop growing for an undetermined length of time; we get stuck… The conscious awareness of our resistance to grace and the refusal to become who we really are brings a sense of oppression.” the book? rocking my world. Oh the compassion and grace of our GREAT and MAGNIFICENT GOD! maybe I’ll sit down and write a post about all the gracious repair God is doing on my heart thru His Truth in this book.
I had no idea that this was spurred on by conviction! :) I love it. I'm glad I could contribute your first recipe! Keep cooking!
All of my crockpot recipes seem to take longer than it says, so I've made a habit of putting them on high for a few hrs and then low the rest of the time. I seriously think altitude had something to do with it. Now that I'm back at sea level who knows, but I still do it and it works well.
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