Wednesday, February 01, 2012

here come the MIT’s…

(MIT’s…) Galaxy defenders (oh oh-oh, oh oh-oh, oh oh)…

if you weren’t a Men in Black fan, you totally won’t know what was up with that.

for the rest of you – the good guys dress in black, remember that.

ok sorry.  I just had coffee.

so I’ve been inspired lately by Paul & Cristine to make an MIT list each morning.  MIT=Most Important Things.  each morning, I try to make a short MIT list (around 3-5 things usually) of what I absolutely want to get done that day.  and then I get to work knockin’ ‘em down like Muhammad Ali.  float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

seriously?  gotta stop blogging after drinking coffee.

I feel so much more productive when I make an MIT list.  I didn’t do it this past Monday, and by the end of the day I felt like I had gotten nothing done.  scattered.

I’m reading through “Zen to Done” right now (it’s a quick read).  it talks about MITs.  and taking care of things as they come up instead of setting them aside to do later – which usually ends up getting put in a pile and getting done later than later.

so, I’ve also been inspired lately by the same dynamic duo (Paul & Cristine) to get a planner.  like, a legit, hold in my hands planner.  no more using my iphone for trying to remember things (because I stink at that).  so in my planner is where I write down my MITs each day.  and lots of other great things.  it’s pretty much a grand adventure just reading through my planner, let’s just be honest.

ok that last line was a stretch of the truth.  probably.  maybe.

dude – Continuous Worship conference tomorrow-Sat out at Maranatha Bible Camp – super stoked!  not super stoked about the snow storm we’re supposed to get.  but there’s more to life than being warm and wearing flippers and your swim suit and board shorts all the time, right?  …right?  just say yes.  help me out here.  homesick for the Keys today.

ok I better stop rambling.

keep it real.


Jessica said...

I love that movie, er, idea! :) I just hope that "calling Jessica" makes your list of MITs some day! Miss you!!

Marissa said...

I like the MIT's idea. I have a checklist app on my phone that I use regularly to remind myself of things that I need to do but I also need to remind myself to just get those things done right away rather than having them 'loom' over my head... I hate that feeling. So today on my lunch break, I resolve to cross 2 of those things off my list. BAM!