Tuesday, September 06, 2011

epic discovery: the library

I’ve always steered clear of libraries since maybe 3rd grade.  I used to love going to the library when I was younger, picking out tons of kids books or documentaries on the ocean and surgeries (yes, I was THAT cool of a kid.  recognize.)

but after probably 3rd grade, the library was no longer “cool”.  it was a place to go to get books for research papers.  once in awhile in college I’d go sit in the library with my computer and coffee and get a stack of books and work on research papers.  just to feel sophisticated.

now: the library rocks my face off!!!!

I’m just now discovering how great the library can be!!  there are so many books, ones that you see in real bookstores that cost lots of money.  that’s like the best thing about the library: it’s FREE!!!

you know how sometimes you go to a store and buy something (or multiple things) and you walk out, feeling the tension of “ooh I’m so excited I have this now!” mixed with “I shouldn’t have spent that money…”?  buyer’s regret?  yeah.  like even with books – how many times have we bought books and then never read them?  totally have done that many times. but this doesn’t happen with the library!!

it’s this wonderful concept of going to a huge “bookstore” (the library), picking out as many books as you want (the limit at this one is 100…wow), and walking out with them without paying a penny.  seriously??  how could it get any better?  instant gratification.  no buyer’s regret because it didn’t cost you anything.  no feelings of “where am I going to put these books after I’ve read them??”  nothing. just pure excitement of “owning” a new book (or…100), gaining knowledge and insight from reading it, and then returning it and not getting overtaken by stacks of books at your house.

confession: sometimes I’ve checked out books just to feel studious and sophisticated and then flipped thru them, maybe reading a paragraph or 2, and then returning them a couple weeks later.

come to think of it…I haven’t actually read a whole book I’ve checked out yet (since getting to Cheyenne 2 1/2 weeks ago).

but one day I will.

in the meantime, I will continue to enjoy checking out books, feeling like I got them for free (‘cause I did) and then returning them.  especially while I’m unemployed and getting poorer by the day.

ooh this is fun (though costly so I can’t do it often) – there’s a cool coffee shop attached to this library so I’ll check out a few books, then go sit in the coffee shop with a coffee (well, a dirty soy chai) and work on my laptop.  I usually pull at least 1 of the books out that I checked out, even if it’s just to read the back cover and put it back in the bag.

the library rocks!


oh the discoveries of the unemployed…

speaking of which – I’ve gotten 6 resumes/apps out over the past 2 weeks of being here.  nothing yet.  pray for me if you think of it!!!

1 comment:

bob said...

always prayin for you jen! i miss bein on outreach with you and playing music. Love hearing random updates, they make me happy. like this one.