Friday, May 06, 2011

pirate man

I went to the beach after getting out of work early this fine Friday.

I went for a swim (salt water immersion=always refreshing). This guy was snorkeling and he surfaces. Looks up, pulls his mask up and looks at me, exclaiming, "I just looked up and here is this mermaid right in front of me!" and I go, "oh, really?" and he gasps and goes, "And she talks!!! She's a real mermaid!!!"

I forgot to mention he looked like a pirate. He was older, red bandana on, and missing lots of teeth. The teeth he did have great need of dental work.

He proceeded to turn his back to me and started reaching for his shorts as he says, "you wanna see my secret?" Completely not knowing what to expect, realizing it was the Keys and strange things happen, but feeling he was harmless, I said, "sure", even though he was already reaching down the back of his shorts. He pulls out a near empty plastic water bottle and held it high in the air, huge gnarly grin on his face. "It helps me float!! They try to sell all these expensive floatation things and this works just fine! Plus I get some cool water to drink on my way out!"

Oh the Keys. :)

I'm in love.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Marissa said...

that's a great story! hahaha