Thursday, September 09, 2004

my first post

wow i can't believe i actually have a blog now. i have to do this blog survey assignment for my Intro. to Mass Communications class and that's really what i'm supposed to be doing - surveying blogs. :) but God is doing so much in my life and i realized this would be a perfect place for me to journal my thoughts and what He's doing in my heart and life. so that's why i titled my blog space "get stoked". i get so stoked every time i think about Christ and what He's doing for me and continues to do for me and i pray that by letting you read even just a tiny bit of what God's doing, you'll be encouraged, or challenged, or reminded in your walk with Him and "get stoked". :) and if you have yet to receive Christ's free gift of salvation and accept Him as your Savior, i pray God will use this blog to open your eyes and heart to what an awesome world you're missing.

well back to that blog survey i'm supposed to be doing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go, girl! You must have some preacher blood in you!
I love you and your heart for God! - Your Mother