Thursday, August 31, 2006 have wisdom

i heard it said this way wednesday night: "every piece of wisdom began as doubt"

appealing to emotion is big these days in churches. some are all for it. some are totally against it. i'm in the middle. but when your faith is feasting merely on emotional experiences, your faith will be like a rollercoaster. i've done it before. i've had a beautiful "experience" at church, left, and hardly touched my Bible for the next week until i went to church again. those who feed off of emotion often tend to suppress their questions, their doubt. i know i've been doing that for awhile now. i tend to think, "yeah, i don't know why this or that has happened, or why God allows this or that, but hey - He's God, i will never understand His ways, so i'll just accept that and not worry about the answers".

mmmmmmm.....but how much deeper my relationship with my Lord would be if i questioned Him, if i wrestled with Him and didn't let go until i had His answer. if i didn't write off my doubts and just accept things "as-is".

oh, to have wisdom. True wisdom. Godly wisdom. and to know my Savior the way He desires me to know Him.

wisdom is gained when you ask the questions that nag you. the questions that leave you saying, "i don't know why, and it bugs me".

so, question. question - not to run away from God, but to run toward God.

keep it real.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What happens when you don't get an answer?

I've been "wrestling" with that unpleasant side of questioning as of late because God doesn't always "give" an answer like I'd like Him to. There are days when I must accept that God is not going to answer me, per se. I'm not going to get the "benefit" of a chat like Job did (and in some ways, that's good, 'cause Job ended up slapping his hand over his mouth and saying, "Oops..." as he quaked in his boots).

It's in those times, when I've wrestled, pleaded, and wept over not knowing, that I am reminded of this all over again: I already have God's answer. He's told me what to do and even though it doesn't scream "Specific answer to the question you asked, Signed, God," it still fits the bill---God demands faithfulness. So.....on to faithful living in the midst of circling questions I go. I do what I know I need to do, and I rest in the unfailing knowledge that while I make my many plans, God's purposes ultimately prevail.

That, and well, we all know that the answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything is, "42." :o)