Tuesday, July 12, 2005

it's tuesday

so andy, sadie, and lucy are home for a little while to visit and are staying with us! they were evacuating the Keys for the hurricane (dennis) and decided it was a good time to just fly home for a little bit for a visit. we told them there was no room at the house, but we'd find a nice hotel for them. haha just kidding :) it's been so much fun having them home!!

i'll put up some lucy pictures tonight. she's hilarious :) i think we had to play "ring" (ring around the rosies) last night atleast a dozen or more times, which always ended in us falling on the ground and lucy laughing her cute high-pitch squeal :) i think one of the funniest parts of the nights was when lucy was swimming in her blow-up pool and my mom got her camera out. so lucy stands up and starts saying "cheese!!" and posing and we're all laughing and suddenly my sister goes "OH! OH!" and starts pointing in the pool. yes, that's right. during one of her poses, lucy decided it was perfect timing to go potty - #2. she did a pretty good job distracting us while she did her business, though. so then she got a bath and andy got the super-daddy job of cleaning out the pool and fishing for...treasures.

okay break's over, time to get back to work.

keep it real.

1 comment:

Mriss said...

AW~ what a cutie! Kids this age really do the most hilarious things! Glad to see you up and posting again!:)