Friday, December 30, 2011

He will provide

this past Monday I had off from work (Christmas holiday) – my first day off since getting back in the Keys (besides Thanksgiving).  when I came home, I flew in Monday night and was working the next day.  so I was super excited to have a day off to enjoy this place that I love.

I went to one of the quieter beaches that not so many tourists know about (although plenty still seem to find it).  sat down on my towel about 15 feet from the water and journaled and processed and prayed.  I flipped back through some of my journal entries – I like doing that from time to time.  it reminds me of God’s faithfulness and His provision.  and I started thinking about what my future might hold and spent some time sitting in the quiet, asking God what He wanted to do in the upcoming months and wondering how He was going to provide for what I needed (and/or deeply wanted…haha because needs and wants are often 2 entirely different things, aren’t they?).

I sat there and also asked God if I could see His glory in Creation in some way – to open my eyes, because His glory is all around.  how callous I often become to seeing it.

…I love how God delights to reveal Himself to us when we ask to see Him in a fresh and/or deeper way:

I looked up to look at the ocean and this flock of little birds swooped down right in front of me near the water’s edge.  they all flew in unison – the kind where if 1 turns, they all turn. SO cool!  I was thinking of how amazing it is that God created them to do that – it’s part of their nature.

I went back to reading thru journal entries and I looked up again and saw these same little birds, 1 by 1, marching across the shore right in front of me, pecking through the seaweed looking for food.  I don’t normally get excited and all “awww” about birds, but these were so cute :)  as I watched them, I was reminded of Matthew 6 where Jesus says:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

BAM.  a beautiful reminder of God’s provision.  nothing is too big for Him.  He is so beyond money.  these little birds had full bellies (at least they appeared to – they were nice and plump little guys).  my Father takes care of His creations, even the tiny birds – I can surely trust He will take care of me.

and this week I have been blown away by His provision!  this week, I have been given amazing, gracious, super generous financial gifts from people I love (not because they give me money…hahaha).

when I head back out West, I’m hoping to raise some support to enable me to do ministry more full-time.  I am super thankful for the 6-week temp job I was able to have in the Fall when I was out there; however, I realized I missed out a lot on the ministry-side of things because I was working a full-time job.

so … hey, it’s like…the end of the year tomorrow… I’m just sayin’, if you’re looking to donate extra money before the end of the year, Continuous Worship ministries is an excellent ministry to support!  :D  if you would like to make any donations, feel free to email me @ and I’ll let you know how you can do so.  I’ll be sending out a support letter soon as well, but I figure quite a few of you who actually read this thing (…or maybe there’s only 1 person…hi Mom!!), already know what I’m up to out West and if you don’t, you can always peruse through my posts from this past Fall. or…email me and ask me!  or call me.  if you have my #.  but I’m not posting that on here because I’ll probably get creeper phone calls from random people who happen upon this blog.


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