Wednesday, August 31, 2005


ahhh - i have that peace tonight that i've felt many times before but hadn't felt it for a little while. the peace of knowing that whatever circumstances i find myself in, God is good, He is in control, and He's simply just...amazing. the joy of just sitting and thinking about Jesus and how awesome He is and what He's done for me. the awe that overwhelms me when i think of all the ways God continues to provide for me and knowing that He DESIRES me. man, it's a good feeling.

and it's exactly what i needed. imagine that - God giving me exactly what i need, when i need it - eh? :)

man, i wish it wasn't 11:30pm already or i would stay up and blog away! i am so stoked to be able to be at campus church once's like a small taste of what heaven'll be like each time i go. tonight not only was the message challenging but the praise and worship was so beautiful. tonight was one of those nights where you could see God moving thru SO MANY people's hearts and it just gives you goosebumps and a big goofy smile on your face. man, i wish each and every one of you could be a part of our campus church each week. one of the most beautiful times tonight was when we were singing the song "Jesus' Blood (never fails me)" and the band suddenly started playing a lot softer and just let our voices fill the vine center and it was SO INCREDIBLE to hear people literally yelling, proclaiming the beautiful truth that Jesus' Blood never fails us. that fact alone has so many awesome promises to it. man...gave me chills :)

one of the beautiful truths i was reminded of tonight was that no matter where you are at in your walk with the Lord, it is never too late to just stop and say, "God - i feel distant from You, i have for awhile. i have questions, i have doubts, i have confusion. but i know You are Truth. i know You are Love. and i'm committing RIGHT NOW to pursue a deeper relationship with You." it hit me once again tonight that we often "talk" about needing to find answers and get back on track, and it's like we sit around waiting for God to "do something" or magically give us the answers we think we need in order to move on to a deeper, more passionate relationship with Him. one of the beautiful things about God is that He's ready for you when you come to Him, humble, broken, and longing to know Him more. longing to start your relationship over with Him again, in a sense. the time is now, make the decision to change and just do it. stop sitting around hiding behind the guise of confusion, stop picking up every "10 steps to a deeper relationship with God" book you see at the bookstore, and simply spend time with God. talk to Him. listen. be still.

amazing night, only because of an amazing God.

more to come.

keep it real.

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