Friday, May 20, 2011

good morning, Friday!

last night I set my alarm for 6:20am to wake up this morning.  but I decided if I happened to wake up earlier, I would get up, hang out with God, and then get an early morning workout in before work.  sure enough, I woke up at 5:20 ready to go.

so after spending some time in the Psalms, I set out for a short run.  dude.  it was 81 degrees with a heat index of 86 degrees.  at 6:30 in the morning.  summer is fast approaching.  kept a decent pace and did some interval/speed training on the way back.  when I got home, I did a couple pull-ups on the bar out back.  just to be like Kate Bosworth in Blue Crush.  I only did a couple pull-ups.  but I justified it by believing she probably didn’t actually do full pull-ups while filming.  all you see is the top part of her – like her head and neck as the pop up over the bar.  for all I know, and this morning I chose to believe, there was someone holding her lower half and pushing her up.  at least, that’s what I chose to believe this morning as I did my measly 2 pull-ups.  unassisted.  BAM!


oh yeah – speaking of early mornings -

2 nights ago (or…yesterday morning) i woke up at 4am and didn't fall back asleep 'til after 5am.  cancelled my morning workout because i knew i needed more than 5 hours of sleep to function all day/night.

and what, you may ask, woke me up?

a dream about a cow.


a cow.

i was at some rodeo thing and everyone got a cow and mine came and sat
so nice and quietly beside me.  and she followed me wherever i went.
she was so sweet.  and then Asian girls came out and stood by each of
us and put bags over the cow's heads and said we had to go to get them
slaughtered.  and i was like "but...i like my cow!!" and my Aunt Roxie was there and i said to her, "Aunt Roxie, was your cow sweet and calm too?  Are they all like this?" and she goes, "no way! i had to chase mine all over the place!"  so then i fell even more in love with my cow.  and my dream ended with the Asian girl handing the
cow over to be slaughtered.


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